I hope you find our website informative and helpful and that it gives you an accurate insight into all aspects of the life of our school. St. John's is an excellent school that offers the children a warm, vibrant, lively, and safe learning environment where they can grow into confident young people, having developed their full potential during their four years at our school.
The school fosters an ethos of personal achievement, responsibility, leadership, and mutual respect for all members of our community.
Updated ETA from Arete - 5:50pm Teacher photos from the week can be found here - https://t.co/oUQmCAoDZ8 Instructor photos - https://t.co/tVQv99vLMT A big thank you to our fabulous staff who dedicated their time and care on this trip! Miss North x
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Our Vision
Our vision is to be a school where every individual in our community is valued and enabled to flourish as a child of God; where education impacts upon the whole-person, and care and concern for others is key. We seek to be a truly inclusive community where all can 'Give of their Best', achieve their full God-given potential, be good citizens and respect difference in our growing global world.