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Virtual Open Evening

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Welcome to St John's.

At St John's, we live by our motto, "Give of Your Best."

Now the school may seem a little big and scary but don't worry, stick with us and we will walk you through.

How about a map of the school, so you can figure out where you are going. It's not difficult to navigate, we promise.

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Ok, we have now put together a video which gives you a taste of some of the trips and events offered to pupils.

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 I hope you are excited to have a look around.

If you have a look at our map, your first stop is the gym. Let's take a look.

In the PE department, we pride ourselves on delivering a broad and balanced curriculum to engage all pupils in physical activity. Whether it's those of you who are striving for greatness and want to be a future Olympian or whether it's to promote a healthy, active lifestyle so you can continue with sport or activity in the future.

In one academic year, you get to participate in games activities such as football, netball, hockey, rugby and ultimate frisbee. You also learn new skills and knowledge in Gymnastics, dance, indoor athletics, fitness, tennis, rounders, cricket, and outdoor adventure activities.

Generally, we teach the pupils in separate boys' and girls' groups. We have an indoor gym and hall and a rugby and football pitch and outdoor netball courts, and we are lucky to also have our own long jump pit. We have House Captains and Sports Leaders, run termly house competitions, and finish the year with a huge whole school sports day.

Our extra-curricular programme is jam-packed with many activities on offer such as all the sports already mentioned and a cheerleading squad, hula hooping club, dance, basketball, squash club, bench ball and others! There really is something for everyone! We have so many competitions throughout the year and our pupils do us proud, not only by always giving of their best but also by bringing home lots of medals and trophies. In recent years we have seen district success in all the competitions we have entered, county success in athletics, netball, football, and rugby. We have even had national cross-country finalists. We also enter an annual swimming gala.

If you love sport and PE, St John's is the place for you. If you don't love PE, it's still the place for you as we are sure we can change your mind! 

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Every Year we have a Sports Day during the Summer Term. Parents can come and watch too. Have a look at the video below! 


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You can also follow us on Twitter at @sjmspe 


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On our way to Year 5, you will pass the kitchen, where fresh food is made daily. Each meal is healthy and delicious ... "don't believe me ask the dishes!". 
The canteen is where you come for your meals during the day. We have a healthy snack policy and great food too. Take a menu to go.





We kick off our tour with Year 5. So we will leave you in the capable hands of Mrs Hall - Head of Year 5.

Welcome to Year 5 at St. John's. Our main aim in Year 5 is to ensure all pupils settle quickly and happily into their new school so they can enjoy and achieve from the very moment they join us.

We have a six form entry from between 15 and 25 feeder schools each year. Having such a large intake from several different schools means we need an effective transition process, from first to middle school.  In the last couple of years we have offered more online and virtual transition resources and experiences, but under normal circumstances, and thanks to the efforts of lots of diverse staff at St. John's and our excellent feeder schools, we offer a varied and substantial transition provision.


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So that's your first year. You then move onto Year 6. Let's have a look with Mrs. Hirons - Head of Year 6.

Year 6 is a crucial stage in a child's educational journey as at the end of the year, they have their first significant set of exams, sitting National Tests in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and Maths. They are given every support to achieve their full potential. Progress and attainment at St. John's is outstanding.   




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Your journey doesn't end here; follow us down the staircase into Year 7, where Ms Bourne - Head of Year 7, will show you around.

Year 7 marks the start of Key Stage 3 for our pupils. In a two-tier system they would have changed schools and moved from a Primary  to a High School at this point. Here at St John's the transition is very smooth and the children will only notice minor changes. When pupils enter Key Stage 3 they begin the process of preparing for High School, with their subject teachers starting to introduce pupils to GCSE style questions in readiness for moving on. 





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You made it, Year 8! Top of the school. Come on, let's go and meet Mr. Boyd - Head of Year 8, who will take you on a tour of his year group.

Our focus in Year 8 is preparing our pupils to transition to High School while also celebrating their four years with us at St. John's.

ImageDuring this year, we choose particular pupils for highly responsible roles such as Prefects, House Captains, Young Leaders and Mentors. Year 8's provide positive role models for our younger pupils who are dedicated to our school ethos.




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Throughout Year 8 we are very mindful of the upcoming transition for our pupils moving forward to High School. It is a very important time for preparation and communication between schools. Mr Boyd works closely with the future Heads of Year 9 to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition, sharing data and key information so that the new school knows as much about the pupils as possible and are ready to welcome them in September. 

There are usually various transition events which help pupils' settle quickly, familiarising them with their new school and routines. From the initial applications in Autumn, to the confirmation of places in the Spring and the final preparation in the Summer term, parents and pupils will feel informed and reassured due to excellent communications and the wonders of modern technology!


This leads us perfectly to our 3 Tech Rooms. Let's have a look. Tech 1, more commonly known as the cooking room, is the furthest away. Tech 1 is where, you guessed it, you do Food Tech. In this lesson, you will learn to bake bread, cakes and even pizza!

If we go back on ourselves slightly, then just to your right is Tech 2. Or as we like to call it, the woodwork room! Here you will learn everything DT.

Lastly, if we head outside, it will take you to the art room or, in more professional terms, Tech 3. From drawing pictures of your dog to painting murals for remembrance day, all will be done here.

So that wraps up our tour. See, it's not so bad after all.

But I know what you are thinking, "what am I going to learn?!" Well, don't panic. We have a whole list of the curriculum here. A list of staff too.


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 Here is a copy of the school day. This will let you know what time you start through to when you leave. Most importantly, it tells you when you can expect a break and Lunch!


We also offer Before and After School club.



We have offered Extended Services at St John's with our Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club for many years.  We feel it is an essential service to support our families with the demands of their working commitments and offer a safe and secure environment where children can be looked after seamlessly before and after school.  As a result, we are committed to providing affordable childcare and our Extended Services are non-profit making.  We endeavour to keep our fees at the lowest possible level to provide and maintain a high-quality service.

Afterschool Club – this provides secure childcare for all children at St John's School.  Within this setting, children can partake in many activities and all children will receive a healthy snack. 

Breakfast Club – a secure place where children can enjoy a healthy breakfast in a relaxed environment whilst interacting with their friends.  This will be available from 7.50am.

Please contact Debbie Aldridge, by email, if you have any enquiries:


Q) What activities are available?
A) Various activities are available such as watching films, outdoor play and activities (Weather Permitting.) Activities also include a rotation of craft, puzzle and games or an opportunity to complete homework.

Q) What snacks/breakfast items are provided?
A) Snacks for After School Club are healthy options provided by the school catering staff. A sandwich with a filling of your child's choice, either Jam, Ham, cheese or Tuna, fruit and a drink of either water or squash. Breakfast club offers toast with a choice of toppings.


Q) When and how are we able to secure a placement for the next academic year?
Please contact Debbie Aldridge for a registration form -

Q) What is the process of dropping my child off for Breakfast club?
Pupils enter through the pedestrian gate situated on Watt close no earlier than 7:50am, remain close to the car park's edge by the building, and enter the Breakfast club through the blue door into our food technology room. (See the video)

Q) What is the process for collecting my child from After School Club?
Pupils are to be collected by accessing the pedestrian gate on Watt close. You can contact the After-School Club Staff by pressing the intercom buzzer next to the blue food technology door.

Q) Who do I talk to about payment details?
All payment queries should be directed to the school finance office.


Mr. McEvilly will now introduce you to our SEND Staff and support.

SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability. All schools have a duty to be accessible and inclusive for the children within their community. It is our job to support parents in providing the best possible education for children.





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Now onto the boring stuff, uniform. Yes, it's blazers and clip-on ties, but we quite like ours, have a look and see what you think.





Now we have finished our tour feel free to go back and have a look. Don't forget to stop by ICT 1 and 2, which are in the Year 8 area and our Music block, which you will find outside, but don't worry; there is shelter from the great British weather.

We offer many internal music lessons too. Including, Brass, Cello, Drum, Guitar, Piano, Singing, Violin and Woodwind.


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Our identity as a church school is fundamental to us and we really believe that our pupils live up to that, verse from 1 Timothy.  We have often seen them set such a great example to their fellow-pupils, to staff within the school and visitors.  Our school environment is one where our shared Christian values generate a safe, reflective space and many opportunities for pupils to develop spiritually. Our school as a great track record in allowing children at the school to take the lead in ministering to each other.  The Worship Council, made up of pupils from each year group, and our wider team of Worship Leaders, are very active in leading and planning assemblies, class reflection times, and church services; planning and leading our annual Pentecost prayer-week, running the school prayer-space, providing music for collective worship and reviewing and evaluating opportunities for worship across the school.

Our strong connection with St John’s Church is foundational to the school.  Key events in the church calendar are celebrated through services at the church (Harvest, Christingle, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Easter, Pentecost). It is the venue for occasions such as our annual prize-giving ceremony.  Over the years, we have benefited tremendously from the ministry of the staff at St John’s church, with great input being provided into our church services, assemblies and also within the governing body. Rev. Ray Khan also joins us in school each Thursday as our school Chaplain, spending time with staff and pupils and working with focused groups.

Each half term, we focus in-depth on one of our four Christian values. This value then forms the basis of our collective worship over the half term. Every week at St John’s, we have an assembly theme tailored to the school pupils.  The topic will be based on the value and may look at this through a contemporary lens, a Biblical narrative, or may fit in with one of the many charity fund-raising initiatives that we support. Pupils at St John’s have proved exceptional at raising funds for a whole range of different charities.


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I almost forgot House Teams! When you arrive in Year 5, you will be assigned to either:
      Stuart - Blue                Tudor - Green
      Windsor - Red             Hanover - Yellow
Every student and staff member is sorted into one of the houses and must work as a team to gain the most house points and win the House Cup.






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We also offer a large array of extracurricular activities.
Not only are these after-school clubs fun, but they also help boost children's self-esteem and self-confidence. ... "Clubs keep the children busy and active and healthy after school. The children are safe, they are  engaged in learning and they are being   supervised."

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We have a monthly newsletter, called the Red Sweater Letter, that keeps you up-to-date with everything that is going on such as House Points, Attendance Percentage, Collective Worship and a message from our Heads of Year. It is Jam-packed with information from term dates to write-ups about trips. Anything your children have achieved over the school term shall be shared with you here.

The R.S.L will be sent out via parentmail and also uploaded to our website. 

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Reggie belongs to Miss Birmingham, Assistant Headteacher and she will be the main point of contact for any dog questions. He is a Cocker Spaniel. English Cocker Spaniel lovers often use the word “merry” to describe their breed. Upbeat in the field and mellow at home, this compact, silky-coated bird dog is widely admired for his delightful personality and irresistible good looks.






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Before you go, have a look around our website. It is packed with information, so it will hopefully answer any remaining questions you have. If you still have outstanding queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.